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Scout Books

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Classify as we may, one is always left with an assortment of things that do not fit anywhere or else would fit everywhere. There is an attraction about the miscellaneous section and very often the most prized things end up in Sundries."

The fact that we have not been able to classify these games exactly surely adds point to the claim that Scouting is as full of variety as raspberry jam is of pips, and we should never be content merely to follow an exact pattern but should always try to be a little different, providing that in the difference is something worth while.


105. Prisoners' Escape

The Scouts are prisoners of war planning to escape. They have to build a bridge between two trees in the dark at a height of over 10 feet and get everybody across. The whole operation has to be done in silence, and therefore careful planning to the last detail has to be done in the Headquarters before starting. Select two trees near the road, and if anybody passes along the road the whole Troop has to" freeze" until the footsteps die away.


106. Crocodile Creek

Select four trees close together to represent trees growing in a creek infested with crocodiles. The Scouts have to make a bed at least 4 feet from the ground on which two Scouts could sleep out of reach of the crocodiles.


107. Obstacle Cross-country

The Scouts have to run over a course of 3 miles, in which there are six obstacles to be overcome by means of ropes and staves, e.g. a Scout with a broken leg caught in a tree, an electrified fence, a Scout caught in the railway line and an express in the distance, a homicidal maniac to be overcome and bound, a first-aid casualty, a code to be deciphered, etc.


108. Desert Island

Select three trees in line 10 yards apart. The first tree is the shore, the second tree the bulwarks of a wrecked ship in a creek, and the third tree a hatchway with the decks broken in between. The Scouts have to get into the hatchway and back to the shore. Choose the distances so that one thick rope supplied is not long enough. The Scouts have first to build a jetty into the creek, then make a monkey bridge from the jetty up to the bulwarks 10 feet high and get from the bulwarks to the hatchway along a single rope, also 10 feet high. Boys may walk from one tree to another under a penalty of two minutes to represent swimming. This operation takes one and a half hours, done in star-light.


109. Far and Near

Leader while on a walk carries a card with each player's name (for scoring purposes). He reads out a list of objects that he wants noted. Players report as they note these, and best total wins. An object once scored by a player cannot be scored again, but another example of the same may be scored by the same or any other player, e.g. match, button, patch on clothes, broken window, piebald horse, hairpin (latter to count two.)


110. Dodge Ball

Three Patrols at least, or three teams of eight. Square about 30 feet across is marked out. One team collects in centre. Other two teams line opposite sides of square, one to each side. Object is to kill by hitting with ball. Ball is first thrown to centre team. One of them tries to hit one of other two teams who can dodge anywhere outside the square. A catch is not a hit. Whoever gets ball then tries to hit one of centre team; the two outer teams are thus attacking centre team, which attacks both other teams. To prevent falling out of players, Scouter can keep score of hits. When player is hit, ball is thrown out to Scouter who throws it to centre team.


111. Cossack Relay

Half of each Patrol is mounted, pick-a-back, on the other half. A scarf, or other easily grasped article, is placed half-way down the course, and is surrounded by a chalk circle. The rider must pick up the object on the outward journey and replace it in the circle on the return trip. This is played as an inter-Patrol relay.


12. Tire Games

(1) Used as hoops. Bowling with one hand over straight or crooked course.

(2) Relay. Tire for each team in front. Run to tire, scramble through, and back to place to set off next man.

(3) Short stake in front of each team 4-5 yards away; try to ring the peg three times.

Variation.-As many throws as necessary but not consecutively. Distance of pegs needs adjusting to size of boys.

(4) Short stake in front of each team, greater distance than in (3). Object is to roll tire with one motion towards peg so that when it falls flat it rings peg. Scores: three for ringing peg, two if tire rests on peg, one if tire touches peg when flat on ground.

(5) Used as stepping-stones with second man to move them alternately round course. Start again if foot outside tire. Second then covers course with third moving tires.

(6) Two teams of almost any number. Tire used as ball. Goal scored when tire touches wall or log, etc.

(7) Relay. Teams in file. At good distance in front, tire is held vertically, resting on ground, by A.S.M. or last man. Every member of team runs up and scrambles through tire in turn.


113. Burn the String

A cord is stretched about 18 inches off ground. Each Patrol has to collect fuel, light a fire, and burn through the cord. First to do so wins, but points should be given for organisation of the job.


114. Blindfold Compass Game

The ideal "pitch" is a soccer ground, though a smaller area would do equally well. In the circle stand the Patrol Leaders; each Patrol goes to one of the corners of the field, all Scouts being blindfolded, but not the Patrol Leaders. The object of the game is to guide the Scouts from their corner to the opposite one, the only directions allowed being compass directions. The Patrol wins which first gets all its men at the opposite corner. If a Scout steps over the circle he is disqualified, and the Patrol Leader is not allowed out of his circle.


115. Ships in a Fog

Each Patrol is blindfold in single file with hands on each other's shoulders at some distance from their leader, who is not blind. Leader, by giving compass directions, tries to pilot his ship through a given harbour-mouth formed, e.g. by two trees. First team through wins.

Leader may not address his team by name but must rely on previously arranged sound or code signals.


116. Torch Target

The Troop is drawn up in line at one end of an open field. The A.S.M. (or T.L.) shines a torch from a given spot for thirty seconds or a minute. Each Scout is then asked to give his estimate of the distance of the torch, and the estimations are recorded. Each Patrol then confers, and gives a collective estimation. Points are awarded on a target basis (i.e. five points for within 5 yards, four points for within 10 yards) and the average of the total score for each Patrol is added to points gained for the collective estimation. The correct distance should, of course, be announced and the torch put on again.


117. Ill-Fated Camp

Teams are sent in turn to a camp which they find in a state of wild disorder after an attack. There is a corpse, a man labelled "Broken left thigh," tracks leading to another labelled "Severe bleeding from right wrist," and the tracks of possible assailants. Teams then act as they think best.


118. Jungle Escape Day

This is suitable for a half or whole day expeditions. Two or more Patrols are each assigned an area of woodland in which permission has been obtained to light fires and to cut specific brushwood. Each Patrol is issued with an instruction sheet giving the story of an airman's or a sailor's return to safety after bailing out over, or being cast up on, the shore of jungle country. They are reminded that since fellows who have been Scouts ought to be pretty good at this sort of thing, here is the very opportunity they need to practise. They will want to provide for themselves shelter, warmth, food, and defence, so points will be given for the following: a two-man shelter from natural materials, cooking fire-several designs given, set of casts of animal tracks, collecting of six leaves- each local tree is given a tropical food plant equivalent, well-cooked twist, and a map of their portion of the island showing scale and north points. More jobs could be included for larger Patrols. Instructions are issued to Patrol Leaders well in advance so that they can make preparations. This admittedly removes much of the surprise element but is very necessary if the event is being tried for the first time. You will find there is still plenty of room for surprises. Scouts can be passed for badges if they complete on their own a job which forms an actual test.


119. Convoy Interception

This involves a more elaborate organisation and is especially suitable for Senior Scouts, though it can be run successfully as a joint affair between Senior and Junior sections of a Sea Scout Troop.

The convoy, consisting of a coxswain with a compass and a signaller, sets off on a given course at a set time from one point A, and the intercepting vessel with a similar crew sets off at the same time from point B. Compass bearings of each vessel are taken by observers at A and B at fixed times and passed by signal, with those times, to signal posts at H.Q., which should be between A and B. From these posts they are taken by runners to two plotters, who lay them off on a table by means of two arms pivoted at the centre of compass roses. The compass roses are fixed to the table at points corresponding to the observation posts A and B, so that by laying off the bearing of a vessel from each post its actual position can be marked on the table. A convoy controller and an interception controller note these positions, judge the courses being steered, and send out course alterations to their vessels by a second set of runners and signallers, the aim of the interception controller being to make contact between the vessels, and of the other controller to avoid it. The game is best played on a large tract of sand or marsh if the ships are represented by parties on foot, but it can of course be played afloat if the conditions apply. Capture in each case is by throwing a 30-foot life-line to touch any of the other crew, but coxswains must be briefed to steer only the courses signalled, unless these are taking them into real danger. Once again the need for preliminary explanations reduces the surprise element, but this still crops up.


120. Obstacle Expedition

This would be best for a Saturday afternoon. Obstacles arranged must depend on local conditions, but each Patrol starts at a different obstacle at the same time and makes a circular tour. You must, therefore, have someone in charge of each obstacle to explain the problem and to mark the Patrol efforts but NOT to interfere with the Patrol Leader's leadership. You must see that the obstacles are out of sight of one another, and it's as well to blow a whistle every twenty minutes when each Patrol must move on to the next obstacle. Have a pow-wow afterwards, each "judge" giving his criticisms, in a helpful way. A mock presentation might end the game, and the whole gang proceed to your H.Q. for a Troop tea.

These obstacles ought to be well within most Troops' powers of organisation:

Rescue one of Patrol who has climbed a tree, been seized with vertigo and become "stuck."

Patrol to get across 6-feet high electric cable, to touch which means death.

A fifteen-foot stream is marked out. On one side is an important "despatch" and the Patrol have to get it across to their side. The "stream" is unswimmable.

Half of Patrol make a bow and arrow and aim at a target: the other half make a rat-trap and demonstrate it.

Patrol blindfold to follow by touch a cord about 4 feet from ground; it should be arranged to go across a ditch or two, round trees, and through bushes and bracken. Patrol not finishing trail, which should be time-tested previously, lose points, other points given for leadership.


121. Semaphore Search

This is an outdoor game to be played in a defined area of about half-mile radius. It is in effect a form of Kim's Game but includes also practice in signalling and in recognition of plants, trees, etc. It also calls for some organisation on the part of the Patrol Leader and should be run as an inter-Patrol competition.

If the area is not very well known to the Scouts the ordinary features of its vegetation may be used as objects to be observed; if it is a very familiar place it may be necessary to "plant" some objects-e.g. a clump of rhododendron leaves may be tied to the bough of an ash tree, or a bunch of willow-herb (or some other colourful flower) may be stuck through the ivy which twines round the elm. The Scouter will have a list of the things that he wants the Scouts to observe, and it need not contain more than ten to twelve objects; it should include the rarer features of the flora and fauna of the district.

As the first step the Scouts will be turned loose in the area (under Patrol Leaders) and told to observe all they can in fifteen minutes, but not to collect specimens. At the end of this period the Scouter (or some expert signaller-perhaps this is a job for the T.L.) will start signalling messages with flags from some prominent place on the edge of the area. The messages will be form sentences in the of short each asking for one object to be brought to one of the Scouters-e.g. "Take the seed of an elm tree to A.S.M." "Pluck a rhododendron leaf from an ash tree and take it to Skip," etc. Each message should be signalled twice, at a good speed the first time and then immediately afterwards at a much slower rate. The first Patrol to get the right object to the right Scouter is, of course, suitably rewarded with points for the Patrol competition. The signalling should go on continuously, one message following another without interval. Thus the Patrol Leader will have to keep one or two Scouts reading and send others off to find specimens as occasion demands

It may add a little amusement to include some moving object (e.g. a butterfly or a dog) in the things required. Or, if you feel very vicious, ask for a hair of your A.S.M.'s moustache.

The incentive to read a message signalled at a fast speed is very valuable, all the more so as most people find it harder to read than to send. Stress should be laid on the need for careful observation in the first fifteen minutes and good organisation throughout, and objects should be chosen which will test observation.


122. Scoops

Immediately after Flag and Inspection and the usual preliminaries, give each Patrol Leader a large double sheet of cartridge paper (about the size, say, of a Daily Herald) and tell them to produce a Patrol newspaper. The Patrol Leader must appoint an Editor, maybe himself, and the others become reporters. Certain features could be suggested, e.g. interviews with the Police Station Sergeant, an Engine Driver, the Mayor, etc., hot news, cartoons, and so on.


123. Polar Expedition

Play when the temperature is below zero. The Patrols have to get over a crevasse, build a rope ladder up a tree, throw a rope to another tree, pull it back with their staves sheer-lashed together, cross the rope by the dead man's crawl and go down the next tree by means of another rope ladder. Then give each Scout a word. He has to run a quarter of a mile and report the word to the Troop Leader who has to put the words together in the right order to make a message.


124. The Lunatic

As soon as inspection is over give the following note to the Troop Leader:

POLICE MESSAGE to: 20th Senior Scouts from: Chief Constable

"Raschid Au, a dangerous Indian lunatic, escaped to-day from the County Mental Hospital. He was seen entering the School Playing Field five minutes ago. He is dressed only in a loin cloth. He speaks no English. He may break out in diabolical laughter and betray his whereabouts. He is a homicidal maniac, and very dangerous. Please assist in his capture."

Previously plan for the biggest Senior Scout to strip to his gym shorts, and give the rest of the Troop a run for their money in the dark.


125. Contests

For a quick fire Patrol competition try this:

Each Patrol is required to produce a lobstick and a ten rung rope ladder, with which they must scale a tree without touching the trunk. The lobstick consists of a crutch of thorn with a stone securely lashed in the fork and a light line secured to the haft by means of a rolling-hitch. The only point to watch in the construction of the rope-ladders is that the marline-spike hitches are right way up.

"Anchorage Tug" will keep the Troop happy for half an hour or so on a fine June evening. For this you require a patch of turf surrounding a convenient tree or post. At the signal each Patrol sets up a three-two-one hold fast in clock-wise fashion round the tree, to which a purchase is secured by means of a rope strop. When the anchorages are installed (speed is not the object), the strain is applied to each in turn and all hands, except the Patrol concerned, do their best to haul the pickets out of the ground while the Scouter stands by with the stop-watch.

Or you might have an even more satisfying bust-up by setting up two log-and-picket anchorages opposite each other at a distance of 30 yards or so and rigging all available tackle between them so that an even strain may be applied. Given sufficient blocks and sufficient pulling power, a glorious climax is assured -without undue risk to life and limb, too: though you will, of course, take all reasonable precautions.


126. Meeting at Midnight

This game can be played in a wood or along a road where there is plenty of cover on either side. Scouts hide themselves along either side of a given track, down which two Fifth Columnists presently walk (the S.M. and A.S.M.) As this pair proceed they discuss details of a desperate plot, such as time, meeting-place, password, members of gang, object of plot, and so on. When the pair have reached the end of the stretch of track, chosen Scouts come out from their hiding-places, get together in Patrols and write down all the details they have overheard of the conversation. Points are awarded for the fullness and accuracy of information given. If any boy is seen by the conspirators during their walk he is debarred from giving information to his Patrol Leader


127. Pass Faster

Two teams form a circle, facing in, members of teams alternate. Leader of each team has a ball, and they are on exactly opposite sides of the circle. The ball is then passed or thrown by each player to the next right-hand member of his own team. A dropped ball must be recovered by the dropper, who must regain his place before continuing. Team whose ball overtakes the other wins.

If possible, the balls should be of different colours, or some more difficult object may be used.


128. Scouter's Rucsac

The Scouter places, in partial concealment, along the verges of a footpath, various articles which might fall out of a badly packed rucsac, e.g. toothbrush, torch, match-box, fork, comb, brush, etc. Patrols stroll along path, and at end of trail each Patrol makes up a list of the items seen in the order of seeing.


129. Rescue Party

Each Patrol selects a prisoner and a warder who are interchanged so that each warder has charge of a prisoner from another Patrol. Each prisoner is fastened to a rope about 25 feet long by a bowline about his waist, the warder holds the other end. The warder moves off to a given spot by whatever route he likes at a slow walking pace. The prisoner lays as good a trail as possible. After a period, depending on the distance, the rest of the Patrol set out to rescue their own man and capture the warder, if possible.


130. Reese Ball

A large sack stuffed with newspaper is put in centre of a small football ground. One team starts each end. The team getting the sack or the major part of it to their own goal first, wins. Violent or dangerous play not allowed; no other rules.


131. Bean-bag Flag Raid

Object is to capture all bean-bags or other objects, release prisoners, and then capture flag, when game ends. Players are safe in own half, but if touched outside this are prisoners and go behind flag. Players who reach opposite base-line without being touched have the option of releasing prisoner, in which case they return hand in hand to own base-line before joining in again, or taking bean-bags back, one at a time. In each case they get safe passage to own base-line.

Bean-bags are spaced out along line, not in a heap.


132. Unbeaten Trail

The Scouter, having previously been over the trail, describes his journey between two points but mentions no names by which route can be indicated. Patrols then go to start and try to follow trail to second point, which they do not know, solely by means of his description.


133. Tree Census

Scouter marks off an area and makes a list of trees to be found within that circumference. Patrols then go out to make a census of trees to be found there. Same could be done for flowers.


134. Tree Tag

(a) Give each player ten labels with names of ten trees common to area. Give about twenty minutes to pin labels on trees named; no tree to have more than one label. Player labelling greatest number correctly, wins.

(b) Players bring in any label except their own. Trees incorrectly labelled are left, and player can later correct mistake and so get two points.


135. Plate Golf

Old ground-sheets folded to about 3 feet square represent holes and enamel plates as balls. Links are laid out as desired to include hedges and streams, etc., as bunkers. If a plate falls in one of these hazards it must be retrieved and carried behind the bunker and one throw added to player's score.

Care should be taken to arrange holes some distance apart so that players do not come in contact with a skimming plate! Old plates are specially recommended.


136. Stealing Sticks

Players in space divided into two equal parts. Sticks are placed at either end and guarded by a "stick guard." A prison is marked out in each half and guarded by a "prison guard." The object of the game is to capture the opponents' sticks. When a player is tagged on enemy territory he is put in prison, but can be released if a team-mate touches him.


137. Labels

Labels on which are different numbers are tied to branches of trees. Scouts try to put their initials on them without being seen by two sentries who keep guard, moving to and fro. Anyone seen by them has to sign their book and start twenty paces off. Count up the numbers on the labels you have signed and subtract one for every signature in book. Put the labels with the big numbers in the most conspicuous places.


138. Fire-bucket Relay

Teams in file; about 15-20 yards in front of each team a bucket of water. First player of each team runs and fetches the bucket, and it is passed down one side of the team and up the other, the next player taking it back to its place, comes back to send off the third, who copies first, and so on, each player going to the back of the file as he finishes his run. First team to finish without losing more than 1 inch of water wins. Measure water before and after.


139. Bridge Cutting

A message is written in signal code or, better still, signalled to one Patrol to say that a bridge is to be destroyed, and that they are to go by a certain route and save it. The other Patrol is sent a message to destroy it, and are also given a route to go by, but a different one from the other.

The destroyers have to place a number of chalk-marks on the bridge. Either starts off on deciphering their own message.


140. Boil the Water

Each Patrol (or pair) has a full billy of water. Fuel must be collected, fire lighted, and billy hung over the fire. First to boil water wins. A teaspoonful of soap powder added to water increases effect.


141. Fire Raid

Four or five small fires are laid, and each has a small flag beside it. There are two teams with different coloured wool armlets who attempt to light the most fires. When a fire is lit the lighter takes the flag, counting ten points. Each team tries to prevent the others from lighting fires by breaking and capturing the armlets. When an armlet is broken, the player is out" until he has returned to the base for a new armlet. Capture of armlet counts two points.


142. Red Indian Patrol

Patrols of "Frontier Police" (S.M. and A.S.M.) are moving out to head off a body of" Red Indians" (Scouts) who have been raiding. The police have five minutes' start, and move along specified roads or tracks between boundaries-say half a mile apart, according to the nature of the country. The "Red Indians" have to get past the police and on to a line (length of road between two points) representing their own frontier, without being seen. Any Indian seen clearly enough to be recognised is "shot." The police may halt and look round as often as they like, but must not go back. Distance may be between one and two miles.


143. Turks and Russians

Two sides line up about 20 yards apart. One side then advances to a line about 5 yards from their opponents and lies down facing them. On word "Fire!" those lying down beat ground violently with both fists stretched out in front. At "Charge!" the others waiting rush forward and try to grab as many of the other side as they can before they get back to original base. Prisoner joins captor's side, and game goes on, with other side lying down and vice versa, until all are on one side.


144. Smugglers

Very simple stalking and chasing game. Troop is divided into two teams:

A Team-The Smugglers

B Team-The Police

A Team stands in a line with their backs to B Team while the Bs decide which member of A Team each B will chase. Thus the Bs have one Scout only to chase, but the As do not know who it is. As have a treasure, but the Bs do not know whom the As appoint as "Captain" to bring the treasure home.

Teams separate-As to cover and Bs to defend home-both some distance from home. Bs search each of their victims if they catch them. Change sides and As become Police and Bs the Smugglers.


145. Hot Rice

One player has an old dixie lid, the others try to hit him with a ball. The ball must always be thrown from where it drops, but may be passed to another player. If the player is caught full pitch or is bit he at once drops the lid, and his place is taken by the thrower or catcher, who may be thrown at as soon as he has touched the lid.


146. Field Card Game

An old pack of cards is hidden at various points, the four aces, the four threes, and four

tens, etc. etc., being hidden together-the hardest to find being the highest cards. Troop is divided into four teams, each trying to collect cards of different suit. Clues are given in a way which involves Scouting knowledge, e.g. in morse or semaphore, or by means of a map, or a sketch is given of position of particular card, or using compass directions thus:

"Towards the setting sun, Proceed at a run

When you reach a gate

Search for number eight," etc.

Tree knowledge, distance-judging can be introduced. Patrol wins which gets highest score, counting by pips.


147. Freak Plant Hunt

Observation outdoors. A Patrol is sent out to spot three freak plants or trees-previously "doctored" by the Scouters-in a given area. Some suggested freaks are conkers growing on ash tree, acorns growing on hawthorn bush, etc.


148. Hide-and-Seek Relay

Some form of relay race is started and the leader slips out and hides somewhere in the Camp area. As soon as they have finished the race each team tries to find the leader and give him some object. First team to get their prearranged object to the leader wins.


149. Homewards Despatch

Course is marked out of doors to suit area available, with same number of stages as Scouts in each Patrol. Call stages A (start), B, C, etc. Patrol Leader carries written despatch from A to B; second at B signals message to third at C; third then runs to fourth at D and gives verbal message; fourth writes it down and runs home. Course can be lengthened to suit any numbers; variations could include cycling, different methods of signalling, etc.

Patrols are timed to find best.


150. Hurdle Race

Patrol Leaders are given the message about the first "Hurdle" in camp. It reads: "Hurdle

1. Difficulties exist to be overcome. Can you lead? Instruct your Patrol to be at . . . . . (a certain place) by . . . . . (a given time am/pm) prompt.

They must not be seen leaving camp, nor on the way. Estimate the area of the fields you come to, then be guided by circumstances." (The circumstances are an umpire signalling in semaphore "Come here," when they have had time to do the estimation.) Each Patrol Leader on arrival receives a verbal message, once repeated:

"Hurdle 2. Follow the lane in the direction of But beware; there may be spies! Note,

but do not follow them. Leave the lane if you see any good reason why you should." (The good reason being a sign directing them to a well-known spot of the river bank.) They are under observation down the lane, for silence, order, etc. If they miss the sign, they go on down the lane, miss their turn and have to wait till the following Patrol has gone through. On the river bank an umpire gives them: "Hurdle 3. On the opposite bank you will see a piece of paper for one of your number. Be careful whom you send, for only he may read it. Whosoever you send must keep one foot stockinged, shod and dry. Material you ask for may be obtained from the S.M."

(The point of "One of your number" is that the message is for No. 2 and not the Patrol Leader himself, who would thus be leaving his men.)

A strong man might hop over. On the paper is written in morse: "Hurdle 4. Go now, silently but swiftly, to . . ."Here there is an umpire guarding a deep chasm, a useful limb of a tree, and a rope to get over by. For getting home (the route is circular, of course) various hurdles could be employed, or two will fit together: "Hurdle 5. (a) A compass-reading, directing home ; (b) smoke signal; (c) the Union Jack upside-down; (d) cries for help and a wounded man. The first Patrol could (b) for the rest. A sketch of the course occupies the first lots home.

Note.-This course takes one and a half to two hours, if considerable intelligence is shown by the umpires and Patrol Leaders, and fifteen-minute intervals are allowed between Patrols. The regular Patrol Leaders can be used as umpires; this pleases them, and allows the Seconds to lead. The umpires need careful coaching. Patrols may have to be held up, if the lot ahead go slowly. The course is so arranged on rolling ground so that this can be done. Great speed is not encouraged.


151. Leaf Matching

In camp a Scouter goes out and collects as many sets of different leaves (or flowers) as there are Patrols. They are arranged in a row. Patrols are allowed five minutes to study leaves (flowers) and are then sent off to collect similar ones.


152. Farm Census

If camping on or near a farm, send out Patrols to make a sketch-map of fields and mark down the crop on each. Could be adapted for animals on farm, etc.


153. Potted Athletics

A good two-hour stunt in camp not to be taken too seriously! Such events as the following might be included; throwing the mallet, hurling the plate, pick-a-back race, and any other amusing ideas the Patrol Leaders can produce.


154. Spot the Colours

A number of small ends of various coloured wool are distributed over a specified area, or along a trail. Each team tries to collect them.

Scores. Green 6, grey 5, brown 4, blue 3, red 2, white 1; or according to the surroundings.


155. Blindfold Tent-Pegging

A peg is driven into the ground. Each player in turn starts about 6 yards away blindfold; he turns round about three times and then tries to advance to where the peg is and hit it with a mallet. No feeling must be allowed.

The player who hits it fairly on the top in the fewest blows wins.


156. Cold Day Obstacles

Start with an invisible-ink message which has to be heated. Each message leads to the next, and the obstacles should be made as ludicrous as possible. Some suggested obstacles are: the whole Patrol has to climb up a tree and touch a branch 15 feet high; get through a very small gap in railings; get over a gate using hands only; hop 100 yards; fill a medium bucket from a large bucket, using mugs only, and buckets being 30 yards apart.


157. Deer Stalking

One player is the "deer" and goes and "browses" in a wood. The rest try to get within 6 yards of him without being seen. If the deer sees one he calls his name and points, and that player must retire 50 yards. If the deer hears a stalker near him he may stampede, but not more than three times. First player to get within 6 yards becomes deer.


158. Egg-if-I-Moo

Players' hats bunched together in centre of a 10-feet radius circle, players round edge. One throws a tennis ball into one of the hats, not his own. If he misses, a chip is put in his hat; if three times, another takes his place. Owner of the hat in which the ball lodges runs in, picks up a ball, and then cries "Halt ! "The rest run away but stop at the word. Player with the ball may not leave circle and tries to hit one of the others with ball; if he fails, a chip is put in his hat; one hit becomes IT. Team with fewest chips wins.


159. Payment by Results

(1) Improvise a rope of natural materials at least 6 feet long capable of raising a bucketful of water, by direct lift, at least two feet. Price-£5.

(2) Make and fly a model glider capable of looping. Price-£5.

(3) Without blocks, rig up a tackle giving a three-one purchase. Price-£20.

(4) Improvise a rough-and-ready "water level" on the spirit-level principle. Invent three possible uses for this on a permanent Camp site. Price-£5.


160. Clumps

Each Scout has an "opposite number," and after being sent to opposite sides of a circle about half a mile to a mile across, has to creep in and meet him, without arranging a place of meeting. When a pair have met they can start forming a clump by capturing by touch. Captives have to assist their clump loyally, unless they see their opposite number walking about uncaptured. A larger clump can attack a smaller clump, but not vice versa. Smaller clumps could scatter if attacked, so it is desirable to arrange a secret meeting-place. If preferred, clumps can be invulnerable, and only lone Scouts may be captured.


161. Attack and Defence

A ground about 600 yards long with a half-way line. One team at each end guarding a number of objects (one for each member of the team). Each team tries to capture its opponents' treasure and defend its own. A player can only be caught when out of his own half and not when he is returning with a capture. Prisoners are put behind their captors' base and must be released before any more objects can be taken. Only one prisoner/object can be released/taken at a time. Team with most objects and fewest prisoners wins.


162. Crocodile Dodge Ball

Players form a large well-spaced circle. One team forms a file, each man holding on to the man in front of him, in the centre of the circle. The outside players have a large ball (football) with which they endeavour to hit the last man in the file. As soon as he is hit he goes to the front of the file and the game goes on as before. When the whole team has been through, a new team takes its place. The winning team is the one which stays in the circle the longest.


163. The Dodger

Players form a large well-spaced circle. One player (the dodger) in the circle and two (or possibly three) outside. The idea is for the dodger to leave the circle through a gap between two men and return through either of the adjacent gaps without being touched by the men outside the circle. As soon as he is caught, another player becomes the dodger. The winner is the dodger who manages the greatest number of uncaught dodges.


164. Couple Rounders

The batting team are in pairs and a slightly larger ball, e.g. a soft tennis ball, is used whilst the hand is used in place of a bat. The bowler pitches to one of the batting pair (A). As soon as he has played the ball, he (A) attempts to run a rounder. Meanwhile his partner (B) goes into the area between the posts and as soon as the ball has been fielded the fielders attempt to hit him (B) by throwing it at him. Should B be hit before A has run a complete rounder, both are out. If A gets round before B is hit they have scored one rounder. The next pair then bat, and so on, with the usual rules of rounders.


165. Non-Stop Cricket

The wickets are set up as shown. The bowler bowls the ball to the batsman. If he hits it he must attempt a run to the wicket behind him and back. Meanwhile the fielders return the ball as quickly as possible to the bowler, who immediately bowls no matter where the batsman happens to be. Besides being caught out, the batsman can only be bowled out (no stumping or running out). As soon as he is out the next batsman comes in, but the bowler need not wait until he is in his crease. Whenever the bowler has the ball he may bowl. A rounders' stick and a tennis ball are best.


166. Camp Sardines

One of the Troop, known as the First Hider, is given about two minutes to find a hiding-place from which he is not allowed to move after time is called. At the end of the time allowed the others scatter and try to locate the First Hider. When a Scout does locate him he "Plays Possum" and waits for an opportunity to hide with him unobserved. Time limit necessary and only a brief time should be allowed. First Finder becomes next First Hider; points given for all finders.


167. Adventure Afternoon

Have an early salad or sandwich lunch. The Patrols parade ready to leave camp, with bicycles or without. The Patrol Leaders are given the simple instructions: "You and your Patrol are going to find adventure." Added to the instructions can be either: "You will give an account at the Camp Fire," or "You will write a concise report on your return," according to which particular form of training the Patrol Leaders at that time need most.

The value of the bicycles is that Scouts can go farther afield. Is it necessary to say that each Patrol Leader should have an O.S. map of the district?


168. Prisoners' Chain

A home base is needed and a "prisoner" to begin the game. As soon as he tags anyone the tagged player or prisoner joins hands with the original prisoner or on either end of the chain of prisoners. If the chain breaks or if one of the free players can break it, the prisoners must race for home. If they are tagged on the way by one of the free players, the tagged prisoner must "pick-a-back" the player as far as the base. As soon as all prisoners are at base they join hands again and the chain sweeps out again. This is purely an energy-releasing game. If the initial prisoner can be a volunteer T.L. or A.S.M. this is an advantage.


169. Fetch It

This is another energy-releasing game which is also training in observation and quick-wittedness. Scouts in some easy Patrol formation such as for relays, Games Leader calls "Fetch me-an oak leaf" or what have you. Scouts rush off, and points are awarded for the first three to hand in correct leaves. The Games Leader should have a list of objects prepared, some small, some larger, some easy, some difficult, some near, some far. A stinging nettle or thistle can usefully be included.


170. Log Hauling Relay

Patrol event. Equipment: 6- or 8-inch log, 5 feet long (or a sandbag, bag of leaves, etc.) rope for each Patrol. At the signal a Scout from each Patrol runs from starting-line to the log or bag and ties a timber hitch round it. Then each Scout ties a bowline on a bight on the other end of the rope, places it over his shoulders like a harness, and all together they haul the log back across the line. Time depends upon the distance. Score ten points for minimum time, and deduct for additional time or knots tied incorrectly.


171. Wood Chopping Relay

Patrol event. Equipment: one axe, 8- to 10-inch (diameter) log. At the signal first Scout runs up to log and takes six strokes, in an effort to chop the log in half. He places the axe in the log and runs back to touch off the next Scout. Second Scout takes six strokes. The number of strokes depends upon the kind of wood. Leaders should estimate the minimum number of strokes, and score 10 points. Add five strokes, score 9 points; add five more, score 8 points, etc.


172. Nature Scavenger Hunt

Patrol event. Equipment: exhibit of leaves, flowers, twigs. Number determined by locality. Each item is labelled. Scouts are told to bring in, and label correctly, specimens corresponding to those on exhibit. Set a minimum time, and score 10 points for time and accuracy. Deduct points for extra time and incorrectly labelled specimens.


173. Biscuit-baking Race (without utensils)

Two-man event. Equipment: axe for each team, flour, water, wood pile. At the signal Scouts build a fire, mix the dough, and bake biscuits, or twist on a stick. Object-to present a well-cooked biscuit to the judge. Set a minimum time, and score 10 points for time, with deductions for extra time and another 10 points to zero for quality of the biscuits.


174. Line Throwing

One-man event. Using 3/16-inch or 1/4-inch heaving line, throw three times across target 5 feet wide from 30 feet in one minute. Score 5 points for each throw, with deductions for each 1 foot from the target, 5 points bonus for making three throws in time limit.


175. Compass Race

Four-man event (or complete Patrol). Equipment:

Compass for each group. Lay out a three-sided compass course in advance (one per patrol). Courses to be similar in length and degree of difficulty. At each change in direction of the course there should be a small stake, with a code number or letter written on it. Scouts are given compass directions for finding the three stakes. At the signal they start out, following their compasses. They write down the code letter they find on the stakes. Set a minimum time for completing the compass course, and score 10 points, with deductions for any incorrect stakes recorded. Add two minutes, and score 8 points, etc.


176. Watery Grave

Played like "Blind Pirate" except treasure should be edible and the Blind Pirate provided with a bucket of water and a mug; anyone hit by water is handicapped by counting two hundred aloud before re-entering game.


177. Signallers v. Runners

A competition between a semaphore Patrol (or team), a morse Patrol and an athletic Patrol getting a message to a certain point first. Distance at least a mile. Some meditation as to length of message necessary by Scouter beforehand-according to the capabilities of his signallers


178. Rabbit in the Trap

One Scout tied to a tree by one hand on long rope. Two or three other Scouts of another Patrol heavily blindfolded try to capture and pin down the rabbit as quickly as they can. Patrol against Patrol as a time test game.


179. Prisoners Calling

One Scout from each Patrol tied closely to a tree all within a few yards radius. Rest of Troop blindfolded start from 50 or 60 yards away. The prisoner guides them to his tree by using Patrol call. First Patrol to release their own prisoner wins.


180. Afternoon Tea Race

From word "Go" each Scout has to light a small fire and toast a round of bread and then remove all traces of the fire. Time test for Troop record.


181. Hot Dog Race

From word "Go" each Patrol to light a fire and, without using any utensils excepting a mug and green sticks, has to make and cook a sausage roll for each member of the Patrol; all traces of the fire must be removed. Each Patrol should be given flour and sausage meat. Each cook must eat his own hot dog after the judge has "passed" it for standard.


182. Mafeking

A number of ropes, rags or what not are placed on the top of a small mound and defended by one side. The other side try to get them (one per man) and tie them to some fence nearby. Best played in the dark. Change round after a time limit.


183. Guy-Line Relay

A hawser is stretched tightly, but with a fair amount of "spring" in it, between two trees at a height of about 8 or 9 feet above the ground. From it a number of knotting ropes, each with a small bowline in the lower end, are suspended so that they just touch the ground. A foot or so out from the rope on both sides tent pegs are driven into the ground, one pair from each Patrol.

Patrols line up as for a relay at some little distance from the rope. At the signal, Number One in each Patrol dashes up, grabs his rope, and by tugging and straining tries to slip the bowline over one or other of the tent pegs, at the same time doing his best to prevent the other players from doing likewise. When he has succeeded, he runs back and the second player comes up, releases the rope and transfers it to the other peg; and so on until everyone has had a go.

Variation. The game is played in exactly the same way but toggle ropes are used, with two pegs set fairly close together so that the toggle may be slipped over them.

See Also:

More Outdoor Games






Additional Information:

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Last modified: October 15, 2016.