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Scout Books
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Bibliography for Camp Fire Stories
 | Mystery Stories
 | "Water Ghost and Others," J. K. Bangs. See Chapter, "Water
 | "Around the Fire Stories,"' Conan Doyle. See Chapter, "The Brazilian
 | "Tale of a Traveler," Washington Irving. See Chapter, "The Devil and
Tom Walker."
 | Indian Legends
 | "Blackfeet Indian Stories," George Bird Grinnell.
 | "The Punishment of the Stingy," George Bird Grinnell.
 | "Pawnee Hero Tales," George Bird Grinnell.
 | Adventure Tales
 | "Around the Fire," H. M. Burr (Book of short stories, two or three of
which are particularly good).
 | "With the Indians in the Rockies," W. J. Schultz. (Admirable story,
shortened, all the story can be told, with an introduction, some episode.)
 | "Tad Sheldon, Boy Scout," John Fleming Wilson.
 | Biographical Hero Stories
 | "American Book of Gold Deeds," J. Baldwin. (The acts of heroism are
various in character, ranging from the unpremeditated saving of a railroad train to the
great philanthropic movements which have blessed and benefited all mankind.)
 | "Pathfinders of the Trail," A. C. Laut.
 | "The Story of the Trapper," A. C. Laut.
 | Miscelaneous
 | "The Boy Scout Book of Stories," F. K. Mathiews, Appleton.
 | "Camp Fire Verse," Haynes & Harrison, Duffield.
 | "Poems of Action," Porter, Association Press.
 | "Told by the Camp Fire," Cheley, Association Press.
 | "The Book Shelf for Boys and Girls," (an extensive bibliography), Library
Commission, Boy Scouts of America.
 | Suggested Books for Reading Around Camp Fire, P. 25, "Camp and Outing
Activities," Cheley-Baker Association Press.
See Also:
Helps |