Compass Training Games




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Six Troop Night Programs

Scheme of Progressive Training in Mapping to show technique of integrating technical training and practices.

Scouter's Instruction: "The Ordnance Survey."

This should be treated as a sample Scouter-to-Troop Yarn, with illustrations.

'"Ordinance' means heavy artillery. What has this to do with mapping?

"It indicates the military origin of the survey. We owe the scheme to the '45 Rebellion, when the need for accurate maps was first realized during the campaign in the wilder parts of Scotland.

"However, the first survey wasn't completed till ten years later, so that the maps were too late to be of any use in that particular campaign, and it was not till the end of the century that the survey of the whole of England and Wales was ordered by parliament.

"In those days the only people capable of undertaking a large-scale mapping project were the military authorities, so the job was given to the Board of Ordnance, and so we have the term 'Ordnance Survey'.

"However, from the earliest times, as far back as 500 B.C., soldiers, explorers and traders have used maps to find their way and to describe their journeys.

"Originally maps were just pictures of the landscape; landmarks were given undue prominence and scale just did not exist.

"Nowadays, as your Patrol Leaders have told you, we use a sort of code to indicate features of the landscape and all maps are drawn to scale. The scale is always shown on the map, and so is the North Point. Without these any map, however well drawn, is useless.

"Modem maps are based on a system of triangulation, which means that a baseline is chosen, and two compass bearings are taken on every landmark surrounding it, one from each end of the base line. (Illustrate by laying Scout staff on floor to represent the baseline, with lengths of sisal attached to each end. Matchboxes, etc., can be used to represent landmarks. Swing sisal to illustrate principle of cross-bearings.) It will be seen that this pin-points the actual position of the landmark on the map.

"In Great Britain, and indeed in most other countries, the work of the mapmaker goes on all the times. To be of any use, maps must not only be accurate, but up-to-date, and so the O.S. maps are revised every twenty years and a new edition is published."

Meeting No 1.
Flag Inspection General 

GAME: "Master Map"

To emphasize importance of North Point and Scale, to introduce Scouts to conventional signs.

PATROL ACTIVITY: Theme - First Aid; Purpose - Revision.

Patrol Leaders are handed briefs as follows: "Pass this card to your Second and tell him to get on with it while you, the Patrol Leader, return to the ASM for further instruction."

To the Second: "You are in charge until the Patrol Leader returns. Improvise a stretcher and use it to carry the entire Patrol in a counter-clockwise direction around the Troop Room.  Speed is essential.  Every member of the Patrol must be carried on the stretcher."

While this is taking place, the ASM instructs the Patrol Leaders in the following:

Grid references

How to make and use a Romer.

PATROL CORNERS: Patrol Leaders pass on training they have just received. 

PARTNER CONTESTS: MAPPING STUNT: Patrols in relay formation, with O.S. map. At other end of pitch a pile of cards bearing map refs, numbered, Scouts run up in turn, pick up card at random, return to find the place name on the map, and so on. Initial letters of place-names arranged in order, give instruction which Patrol must at once obey. (e.g. "Dover, Itchen, etc.." spelling "DISAPPEAR')


TEAM GAME: Heading Ball Rounders, or Change Hockey, or similar.... 



Meeting No 2.
Mapping Game: "Compass Tacks"

NB: Seconds take charge of this while Patrol Leaders report to ASM for instruction in the use of prismatic or Silva Compass, and Road Traverse.

PATROL CORNERS: Patrol Leaders instruct Scouts in use of compass.

PATROL ACTIVITY: Simple Road Traverses. (If in sufficient compasses available, Patrol could divide, one half under Patrol Leader and other under Second.)


Meeting No. 3
Flag Inspection 


PATROL ACTIVITY: Theme - First Aid; Purpose - Revision.

Patrol Leaders are handed briefs as follows: "Pass this card to your Second and tell him to get on with it while you return to the ASM for further instructions

To the Second: You are in charge till the Patrol Leader returns. Organize the Patrol so that when the S.O.S. signal is given by the SM the following can be completed by the Patrol as a whole in not more than 60 seconds:

(a) One Scout puts a bandage on his own left knee.

(b) Another treats himself for persistent nose-bleeding.

(c) A third Scout has broken his right arm above the elbow and a sling is applied by No. 4.

(d) A fifth Scout has just been dragged unconscious from deep water, and is being treated by a sixth.

(e) No. 7 has been overcome by gas fumes and is rescued by No. 8.

PATROL LEADER INSTRUCTION: While this activity is going on, the ASM instructs the Patrol Leaders in the principles of making Plane-Table Surveys.

PATROL CORNERS: Patrol Leaders pass on training they have just received.

PATROL ACTIVITY: Each Patrol is divided into teams, one under the Patrol Leader and the other under Second, and carry out plane-table survey of the same area to same scale from different baselines, and then compare results (which should be identical).

TEAM GAME: Non-stop Cricket. 



Meeting No. 4

SCOUTER'S INSTRUCTIONS: Marching on a back bearing. Cross-bearing.

PATROL ACTIVITIES (OUTDOORS). Each Patrol chooses a position in open ground, marks it with a metal tent peg with a loop of sisal attached, and from that point takes bearings on two different objects and measures the distance. All this is written on a card thus:

Plane Tree - 2.50° - 48 yards

Notice Board -19° - 120 yards"

Cards are then exchanged. Patrol convert into bearings and try to locate fixed positions.

Meeting No 5

PATROL LEADER INSTRUCTION: (at C. of H. Meeting preceding Troop Meeting), 

(1) Magnetic Variation.

(2) Preparing sheets for "Night-flying" game to be played at next Troop Meeting.

MAPPING STUNT: "Night-flying". (Patrols tackle other's sheets.)

PATROL CORNERS: Patrol Leaders pass on instruction in Magnetic Variation. Activities:

(a) Plan two 6 mile circular cycle runs on the enclosed map, one giving maximum scope for free wheeling, the other giving the fastest route. 

(b) From attached O.S. Map make a list of all the prominent hills that should be visible from ref. 178516 when visibility is perfect.


Meeting No. 6

RELAY GAME: "Compass Bradshaw"

Patrol Leaders withdrawn for instruction by ASM in "How to find North Without a Compass" by:

(a) Stars

(b) Watch

(c) Sun (traveling shadow method - see Kephart's Camping and Woodcraft.

(d) Features of landscape, trees, churches, etc.

PATROL CORNERS: Patrol Leaders pass on instructions just received and are provided with torches to illustrate principles of traveling shadow method.

PATROL COMPETITION Each Patrol is provided with a length of sisal and eight drawing pins, and told to peg out the Great Bear and the Pole Star on the floor, with special attention to correct proportions, using every inch of sisal.

Traditional Training Handbook
©2003 Baden-Powell Scouts Association






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Last modified: October 15, 2016.