Polar Dash
Instructions. The Royal Polarbearical. Society have decided to present the " Great Beadonstring " Trophy for an International Dash to the Pole Competition. Three countries have entered Teams under the following famous Explorers-Great Britain, Curlew Scott; Norway, Woodpigeon Amundsen; America, Cuckoo Byrd. The Society are naturally rather disappointed that only three countries will be represented, but as the Teams entered are under the charge of such famous explorers they feel justified in holding the competition, especially in view of the fact that a great contest will ensue, as naturally each team will strive its utmost to be the first to plant the Flag of their Country on the farthest north point and thus have the honor of winning the magnificent trophy at stake. The competition will be a great test of pluck, endurance, and stamina, especially in view of the time of the season when the ice and snow will be at their worst. The start will be made on ___ at ___ p.m., when each team will assemble with the necessary gear, sledges, dogs, etc., at the Trading Hut of Eskimo Scouteris, which lies W.N.W. of the Great Snow Field of Plantationheir. The trophy will be awarded to the team first planting its Country's Flag on the farthest north point marked on the Ordnance Map issued to the Explorer in charge of each team. 1. Each Team, which consists Of 5 members, including the Explorer in charge, will assemble at the time and place above-mentioned with staffs. 2. Each Team will be issued with a distinguishing Badge which must be worn through and must not at any period be covered. 3. Each Team will receive five envelopes which are to be opened at the times marked thereon. These contain instructions which represent the Forces of Nature. 4. Teams are warned that portions of the ice in the vicinity of the Pole are very thin, and to walk thereon means instant death. These are marked with small pegs and colored wool. 5. Teams must not interfere with each other. 6. To the Team first planting its Country's Flag on the farthest north Point 50 marks will be awarded, to the second Team 40 marks, and to the third 35 marks. In addition 5 marks will be awarded to each Team for every distinguishing Badge of their opponents which they are able to spot and report, so that it is up to each Team to keep under cover as much as possible. The Teams walking on the thin ice in the vicinity of the Pole are considered dead and out of the competition. 7. The Teams at the start will proceed in the following Compass directions-Great Britain, S.S.W.; Norway, N.N.W.; America, S.E. 8. The Scoutmaster and his Assistants (one of whom will accompany each Team) will act as umpires. Comments. Care must be taken to see that each party is equally delayed by the Forces of Nature. The " Badges " might be distinctively colored scarves tied on staffs like flags. Specimen Instructions contained in Envelopes.1 . Owing to the intense cold you are unable to proceed. Wait here 3 minutes. 2. One of your comrades has slipped on the ice and broken his collar bone. Render first aid and bandage him before proceeding. 3. Owing to a cleavage in the ice you are carried on an ice floe in easterly direction for 3 minutes. 4. You encounter a very severe snow storm and are unable to proceed. Retreat for 50 paces. 5. One of your comrades has got frostbitten in the feet and is accordingly unable to walk, so that you must convey him in whatever way you think fit the rest of the journey. |
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