This is really a present-day version of the old game of "
Family Coach ". Each player is allowed a part indicative
of something to be found on the Underground, and he or
she must think of an action or saying appropriate to that
The Leader then begins to unravel some ludicrous
story, taking care to mention here and there the names of the
things ascribed to the various players. The moment a
name is mentioned the player concerned must go through
his action or speech, or else pay a forfeit.
It does not seem
from this brief description that the game involves any difficulties; but in practice the mistakes made are both numerous
and humorous, the players having, above all, a weakness for
doing actions just performed by other players.
The game proceeds somewhat on these lines.
The Leader
begins to recite some such narrative as the following: I
took my bag and fastened it with straps. I then jumped into
a motor car and was soon whirled away to the nearest station. A train came in and the
conductor gave the signal
and off we went. I wanted to read a particular advertise
ment on the platform, but the train came in too quickly,
etc., etc.
The italicized words are those allotted to players,
and when uttered demand attention on the part of the
players concerned.
The actions that are required must be decided on at the
outset of the game. Strap will probably elect to go through
the performance of strap-hanging. Train will make the
sounds of puff-puff. Advertisement will call out some well-
known advertisement, with its appropriate slogan. Signal
will go through the act of raising and lowering an arm.
Bookstall will pretend to sell you a paper, and so on.