This game consists in selecting a word which has a variety
of meanings and getting someone to guess it through the
medium of a series of questions. There are countless words
which will do for the purpose, a few examples being
rain and rein,
(2) vice (a bad habit) and vice (a carpenter's
(3) witch and which,
(4) sun and son,
(5) eight and ate,
(6) ball and bawl,
(7) sound (a strip of water), sound (a
noise) and sound (opposite to bad).
Of course, the more
meanings a word has the better. In the first place, the
person who is to do the guessing goes out of the room
and returns when the others have fixed on a suitable word.
The first question asked by the guesser is, " How do you like
it? "
The others answer in turn,
" Very much indeed,"
" Not too early in the morning,"
" Not when it makes a
lot of noise,"
" Not when it is over-fond of fine clothes,"
and soon.
The guesser then asks," When do you like it?"
and the answers are,
" When it heralds the postman who is
bringing me a letter,"
" When it tells us dinner is ready,"
" When it is beautiful and kind," and so on.
this the guesser asks,
" Where ought it to be put?"
The an
swers are
"In a church,"
"I would hang it,"
" In a
room," and so on.
(The above are merely specimen questions
and answers, and the players may ask and reply whatever
they please.)
In this case, the chosen word is "bell"
(an instrument which sounds when agitated) and belle
(a beautiful girl or woman).