Star Test Games




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(Games marked with "x" are suitable for kids confined to beds)

1. x Flag guesses

Akela hands each Cub an emblem card, face downwards, also paper and pencil. At a given signal the Cubs look at the cards and write down what they represent. Akela counts up the correct answers in Sixes.

2. x Flag matches

The Cubs are lined up in Sixes. Each one is given two plain match stalks, four match stalks coloured red, and two small pieces of white paper, and one blue paper. At the word “Go” the Cubs form in front of them the flags of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick (in order). If this is played on the floor no white paper is necessary.

3. x Flag and emblem drawings

Akela draws six flags or emblems and rubs out each one before drawing the next. The Cubs then draw (with crayons) all that they can remember.

4. x Carry on

Each Sixer is given a piece of drawing-paper, pencil, and box of crayons. Akela mentions that one cross (e.g. St. George’s Cross) is to be drawn. At the word “Go” the first Cub starts drawing the cross. When Akela claps his hands, the Sixer hands all the drawing materials to the next Cub and says “Carry on,” when the drawing is continued. At each clap the drawing is passed on until it is finished. The Six to finish first gains a point.

5. Caps off

The Sixes stand in rows – each row facing the Sixer – who has a ball. He throws the ball to the first Cub, who, when he catches it, throws it back to the Sixer, takes off his cap and lets it fall to the ground. When the cap touches the ground the Sixer throws the ball to the next Cub, who acts in a similar fashion. If a Cub does not catch the ball he has a second chance, but he delays his team. The Six to finish first, with caps on the ground, wins.

6. Cocoanuts

The Cubs line up in a row and become cocoanuts facing Akela, who is the “boss” of the show. The boss throws a ball to any of the cocoanuts. If he catches it, it counts as one point to the cocoanuts. If he misses it, it is a point to the boss. The cocoanuts may only catch and cannot break line to field the ball, but the boss may have an assistant to help him with this.

The boss and the cocoanuts see who can reach a given number first, say ten.

7. The Test Match

Divide the Pack into two, e.g. England v. Australia. Toss for innings. The batsman stands behind a chalked line. The bowler throws a ball from a certain distance. Every time that the batsman catches it he scores a point. He must retire at 10.

One or two innings can be played.

8. x Beware lightning

The Cubs are scattered about and represent trees. One Cub holds a ball in his hand. He calls out “Beware lightning,” and the Cubs must at once stand still while the ball is thrown. If a tree is struck it falls to the ground (or puts a cap on). While the lightning picks up the ball, the trees may move again, all except the ones which have been struck.

The lightning is given a certain time in which he must try to strike as many trees as possible.

For bed cases:

This can be played with a paper ball, and when the “lightning” is not throwing it, the Cubs can move their heads and arms about.

9. x Ninepins

The Cubs, representing ninepins, stand at one end of the playground or room. One Cub, blindfolded, is placed some distance away. He throws a ball a certain number of times and each time that he hits a ninepin it must lie down. Each Cub has a turn, and at the end of the game it is seen who has knocked down the most ninepins.

For bed cases:

Akela, or Cubs who are up, throw a paper ball. Those who are hit take off their caps.

10. Ball Pelmanism

The Cubs are in a circle and throw a ball from one to the other. When Akela claps his hands once they throw the ball clockwise; at two claps they pass it anti-clockwise, and at three claps the Cub who has the ball throws it up, catches it, and continues clockwise.

11. x Headrace

Each Six has a piece of string. The Sixer ties a reef knot round his head at the word “Go.” The next Cub unties the string (or if in bed an Old Wolf unties it and passes it on) and ties it round his own head, and so on until the first Six to finish wins.

12. x Knot throwing

A piece of rope is thrown from one Cub to another. When Akela claps his hands, the Cub with the rope ties the knot that he says.

13. Pacel post

Each Cub is given wrapping paper, string, pencil, and a label, and told to wrap up his scarf and cap. When the parcels are tied up (with reef knots) the Cubs address the labels with their own names, and tie them on. On the word “Go” the Cubs throw their parcels from one to the other for several minutes, at the end of which time the parcels are inspected and points are given for those which have remained intact.

14. x What time is it?

Each Cub is given twelve stones, beans, or acorns, etc., which he keeps in his cap. In turn round the circle a Cub, holding several stones in his hand, asks his left-hand neighbour: “What time is it?” If a correct answer is given, the winner takes the stones. If he makes a mistake he hands over the difference (e.g. if a Cub holds eight stones, and his neighbour says that the time is five o’clock, the neighbour hands over three stones).

15. x The Cub’s day

The Cubs line up in Sixes and in front of each Six is a clock face. Akela tells the Cubs certain times, such as “Getting-up time” (7.30), “Breakfast time” (8 o’clock), “School time” (9 o’clock), “Dinner time” (12.30), etc. The Cubs are numbered off down each rank. Then Akela calls out a number and a time (e.g. number three – “School time”). The “number threes” run up and put the clocks right, the first to do this gaining a point for his Six.

For bed cases:

Akela gives the clock faces to the Cubs in turn and then calls out the required time.

16. Hours

Divide the Pack into two. Chalk a large circle on the ground with twelve lines drawn to the centre. In between the lines write the hours – 1 to 12. A Cub is then blind-folded and placed in the centre, and he must walk round, repeating:

“What is the time? I soon shall see

I’ll stop when I have counted three.”

When he has counted three he stands still, and the “time” where he stops is scored by his side. If he stops on a line he counts nothing. The Cubs take turns from the alternate sides.

17. Clocks

Akela draws a clock face on the floor. Twelve Cubs represent the hours. Two others are the hands. Akela calls out a time, e.g. 4 o’clock. The two “hands” move to the correct place. Any “hour” correcting a hand takes his place.

18. x Manual alphabet game

Akela gives the Cubs a message, such as “Bring a book.” “Stand up.” The Cubs see who can be the first to perform the action.

For bed cases:

Such commands as “Shut eyes,” “Laugh,” “Cap off,” etc.

19. x Word making

Akela gives the Cubs several letters (manual alphabet). These they write down and try to make words, e.g. G.B.A. = BAG; L.O.W.F. =WOLF.

20. Shutting the windows

The Cubs are told that the centre of the floor represents a house with all the windows open. The north (N) is marked, but no other compass points. The Cubs are considered to be outside the house, in the garden. When Akela says: “Snow is drifting in through the north window,” or “It is raining in through the west window,” etc., they run into the house and squat down opposite the window, or stand in a line behind their Sixer, when they are said to have shut the window. Akela notes which Six shut it first

21. x Foreign lands

The Cubs are in a circle. Akela tells them that they will visit an entirely new country, and asks them how they would like to travel. If they say, for instance, by aeroplane, they run round pretending to be aeroplanes until they are told to stop. Akela then imitates various strange people who inhabit this land, i.e. some have no teeth through having neglected them, and can only mumble, others have wild hair through not having combed it, etc. The Cubs then pretend to clean their teeth, comb their hair, etc., so that they will not become like these strange people. They then return home again, flying or going by boat, etc.

For bed cases:

The Cubs can make the noises of an aeroplane, steamer, etc.

22. x Shock-headed Peter

Akela draws a picture of a Cub who is untidy – hair unbrushed, cap not straight, stockings wrinkled, etc. The Cubs each have a chance of suggesting how he can be tidied. Akela rubs out the wrong part and draws it tidily.

23. x The King’s buttons

Akela tells the Cubs that the King has been hunting and has lost a button off his coat in the bushes. Each one is given material, a button, and needle and thread, and afterwards Akela judges which sewing is fit for the King.

24. x Mending the King’s coat

Akela draws a large picture of a King, and the Cubs, in turn, blindfolded, pin on their buttons and/or darns. Akela has previously prepared a small drawing omitting a button and showing where the coat is torn. This picture is then compared with the large one, and the Cubs see whose button or darn is nearest to the right place.

100 Special Needs Games for Boys






Additional Information:

Peer- Level Topic Links:
Pack Games & Relays ] [ Star Test Games ] Nature Games ] Sense Training Games ] Acting Games ]

Parent- Level Topic Links:
Confined to Bed ] Games for Blind Scouts ] Games for Deaf Scouts ] Developmentally Disabled ] Ambulatory Able Games ] 100 Additional Cub Games ] 1. Signaling ] 2. Knots ] 3. Semaphore ] 4. Compass Game ] 5. Kim's Hiding Game ] 6. The Zoo ] 7. Form of Kim's Game ] 8. Bag ] 9. Magnetic Fishing ] 10. Mixed Grill ] 11. Beans and Spoons ] 12. Tommy ] 13. A Test Match in the Ward! ] 14. Orange on Ankle Team Race ] 15. Sit Down in Threes ] 16. Human Body Game for Cubs ] 17. Balloon Race ] 18. A New Tag Game ] 19. On the Spot ] 20. Union Jack ] 21. Letters in Sandpaper ] 22. Kim's Stocking ] 23. Hockey for Blind ] 24. Operation Rocks ] 25. Obstacle Race ] 26. Obstacle Race ] 27. Potato Race ] 28. Bun Snapping ] 29. Compass Points ] 30. Word Squares ] 31. Hidden Personalities ] 32. Relay Race ] 33. Dickie Bird Race ] 34. Magic Discs ] 35. Stop, Caution, Go ] 36. The Touch Game ] 37. Waves ] 38. Caps ] 39. Cricket ] 40. Twiddlum ] 41. Cricket ] 42. Heads ] 43. Goalkeeper ] 44. Balancing ] 45. Tennis ] 46. Fishing ] 47. Noisy Mug ] 48. Bean Game ] 49. Nursery Rhymes ] 50. String Circle ] 51. Smell, Taste, Touch ] 52. Plasticine ] 53. Button ] 54. Highway Code ] 55. Suggestions for Cub Concert ] 56. Things With Different Uses ] 57. What Is It? ] 58. The Seasons ] 59. Crambo ] 60. Flag Pelmanism ] 61. Flag Tiddlywinks ] 62. Jigsaw Postcards ] 63. Spotting ] 64. Museum Hunt ] 65. Nature Alphabet ] 66. Things in Strange Places ] 67. Code Messages ] 68. Noises that Break the Silence ] 69. The Best Red Indian ] 70. Special Pack Meeting ] 71. Buzz ] 72. Grab Bag ] 73. Stringing Race ] 74. Lost Boy ] 75. Ring the Stick ] 76. Crocodile Dodge Ball ] 77. Traffic Lights ] 78. N.E.S.W. ] 79. Break Out ] 80. Non-Stop Cricket ] 81. Hare and Hounds ] 82. Piloting the Blind ] 83. Open Country in the Ward ] 84. Musical Knots ] 85. Cot-Case Donkeys ] 86. Knotting Story ] 87. Slap Signaling ] 88. Feeling Leaves ] 89. Steeplechases for Bed Cases ] 90. Actions ] 91. Newspaper Observation ] 92. Descriptions ] 93. Paper Keys ] 94. Silence ] 95. Sounds ] 96. The Rummage Bag ] 97. The Locked Bag ] 98. Sentences ] 99. Serial Stories ] 100. Buying Equipment ] 101. A Wood Summer & Autumn ] 102. So Says ] 103. Pantomime Rhymes ] 104. Verses While You Wait ] 105. Throwing Up Lights ] 106. Proverbs ] 107. On the Underground ] 108. Pairing Off ] 109. Something to Guess ] 110. How Do You Like It? ] 111. The Ship's A.B.C. ] 112. Geographical Letters ] 113. Musical Magic ] 114. Prize Pigs ] 115. Hidden Treasure ] 116. Historical Scenes ] 117. Tasting ] 118. Telegrams ] 119. The Alphabetical Sentence ] 120. Dotty Pictures ] 121. Do You Know London? ] 122 The Christening ] 123 The Zoo Game ] 124 Gardening ]

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Last modified: October 15, 2016.